Well-child visits help foster a strong, trusting relationship between the provider, parent and child.  Building a long-term relationship with your child allows our providers to track your child’s health, progress and development over time.  Well-child visits for children ages 3 to 21 play a critical role in ensuring ongoing health and development throughout childhood and adolescence. These visits are designed to monitor a child's physical, emotional and social growth while providing opportunities to address any emerging concerns. During these visits, we assess important milestones, such as cognitive development, motor skills and social behavior, and track your child's growth through height, weight and body mass index (BMI) measurements. These visits also include routine screenings, as well as immunizations to ensure that your child is up to date on necessary vaccines, protecting them from preventable diseases.

As children enter their school years and approach adolescence, well-child visits become a time to discuss more specific health concerns, such as nutrition, physical activity and mental health. With the pressures of school, peer relationships and social media, the pediatrician's office provides a safe space for children and their parents to discuss emotional well-being, behavioral changes and any challenges they may be facing. It is also during these visits that we can begin to address issues related to puberty, sexual health and lifestyle choices as your child grows into a young adult.

Well-child visits for older children and adolescents are crucial for establishing healthy habits and empowering them to take charge of their health. By providing guidance on issues such as proper nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management, we aim to help your child navigate the challenges of growing up while fostering a strong foundation for a healthy future. These visits also allow us to offer preventive care, such as screenings for mental health concerns, substance use and sexual health, ensuring your child receives the support and education they need to thrive. Regular well-child visits are vital for maintaining a proactive approach to health, enabling us to catch potential issues early and ensure that your child is on the path to becoming a happy, healthy adult.

Please note, during this appointment we may address other concerns or issues that you have for your child to prevent you from having to return to the office for another appointment.  However, please be aware that we will bill your insurance for an additional office visit for addressing those concerns/issues.  Depending on your insurance benefits, you may have additional copays, coinsurance amounts or amounts applied to your deductible for these services.